Confederacy, 1861, 10¢ blue. Close at top to otherwise large margins, tiny hidden defect, tied by "Charleston, S.C." double circle postmark on small embossed ladies cover to Bull Swamp P.O., S.C. with original enclosure datelined "Sullivan Island, July 1st, 1862", letter full interesting contents (written phonetically), Our men have had some very hard fighting in Verginne, near Richmond commencing last Thursday. It is said to have bin the greatest battle that has bin fought since the war commenced, but thank god our men have been crowned with a glorious victory. McClellan's great army have bin completely defeated and taken prisoners what was not killed, but there was great loss of life on both sides. This was the greatest army in the northern states. It is reported that we taken fifty thousand prisoners, it is also reported that McClellan is mortally wounded. Rachel, I wish you could have bin here this morning to have hear the loud thunder of canon from all the forts and batteries which was given in honor to the great victory which was won at Richmond., Very Fine with a wonderful & historic letter. Scott No. 2 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $850