Confederacy, Morris Island Letter. Hand written letter on patriotic lettersheet "Camp 1st N.Y. Vol. Engineer Corps." with Eagle in circle at left, datelined "Morris Island, September 6th, 1864", We have some hopping to do down here, hopping to get out of the way of the Shells. We are shelling Sumter all the while. …, Iwas with Jonny when he broke his neck in two places. I sat up with him till he died. He lived two days, he was well liked in the Company…, included is turned cover franked with 1861 3¢ rose (small defect) tied by straight line "Ship" handstamp to New York with "Philadelphia" cds, inside usage addressed to sender in Hilton Head, S.C., but unfranked & no postmarks, some cover damage on reverse, F.-V.F. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $180