Confederacy, 1st New York Engineers. 1864 ALS -- 4pp letter from Erastus H. Olds of 1st New York Engineers, Company G., written phonetically with several errors, datelined "Moris Island, 2 1864", letter reads in part: "…you spoke about Davis arming the slaves but… he will know … that… the slaves are runing away as fast as they can get away & I think if he gives them arms they will have A beter chanced … he don't ofer to free any … you dont think that the male slaves will fight to free themselve and have thear wives and children held as slavs … I think they know more than that… we are prety clost to the rebs but I dont fear them … the sharp shoters peek at us but they dont hit us so I dont care … we have sunk 2 or 3 blockade runers since I have been hear… we have got that fort that we have been to work on… I spect that we shall have fun hear before long…", included is cover to New York with stamp cut out, Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
Erastus H. Olds mustered into Company G on 27 October 1864 and mustered out on 3 July 1865 at Hilton Head, South Carolina. The 1st New York saw action at Fort Pulaski, Secessionville, Fort Wagner, Morris Island, Swift Creek, Petersburg, and Honey Hill.
Realized: $230