San Antonio, Txs., May 21. Brown cds with matching "10" in box rate handstamp on folded letter to Hayesville, Ohio., letter datelined "Santa-rosa, May the 4th, 1849" with interesting content of wagon train heading out west… We have proceeded very slowly. We have been detained much time by sickness & getting provisions. We have broken several waggons, we are all detained a day or two if only one wagon is broken. We are going by the smugglers pass or passo Delnort through the mountains. Waggons have never passed through this pass but we are told that by a little work we can pass to Chihuahua by going 280 or 300 miles; but to go the ordinary rout it is 600 miles & without grass great part of the way…write to San franando, California; some cover aging, Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $500