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Sale 29: The Confederate Sale

Table of Contents

Confederate States: Confederate Literature - General Works

Lot 3961

TIME-LIFE Editors, Confederate States and Civil War, 1983-87, 14 hardbound editions; including: Gettysburg. The Confederate High Tide; The Blockade. Runners and Raiders; The Road to Shiloh. Early Battles in the West; First Blood. Fort Sumter to Bull Run; Forward to Richmond. McClellan's Peninsular Campaign; Decoying the Yanks. Jackson's Valley Campaign; Confederate Ordeal. The Southern Home Front; The Shenandoah in Flames; Brothers Against Brothers. The War Begins; The Civil War. Twenty Million Yankees; The Battle of Antietam; War on the Mississippi. Grant's Vicksburg Campaign; The Nation United; Sherman's March. Atlanta to the Sea.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

Realized: $240

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