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Sale 28: The Winter Sale

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U.S. Postal History: Airmail & Other Back-of-the-Book Issues

Lot 939    

Envelope, 1942, 6¢ orange, die 2b, combination franking with Russia 30k Ivan Turgenev (poet) issue of 1943 (Scott #909), used from Russia to New Jersey, diplomatic pouch mail, censored, notation from correspondence that the original letter was dated March 22, 1944 (pre APO 193 ?), earlier covers from same correspondence indicate that the sender was with the US Air Force, 336th squadron, Very Fine and rare, a military mission to Russia in April and May, 1944 was authorized and 3 Russian bases (Poltava, Mirgorod, and Piryatin) were used, there were 1200 American ground crews and the mission was called "Frantic Joe," with the Russian stamp paying the required Russian postage and the US entire paying the domestic postage in US.
Scott No. UC4    Estimate $150 - 200.

Realized: $70

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