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Sale 28: The Winter Sale

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U.S. Postal History: Postmasters' Provisional Issues to 1857 Issue

Lot 798    

1856, 5¢ red brown, four complete to large margins, deep color, tied to folded cover to Altkirch, France by New Orleans, Louisiana November 10, 1856 postmark, red "New-York Br. Pkt. Nov 17" exchange office datestamp, transferred to Boston for the Cunard Line steamer Canada, which departed on November 19 and arrived at Liverpool on December 1, red Liverpool "1 DE 1856" transit backstamp, incorrect "Etats-Unis. Paq. Am. A. Calais 2 Dec. 56" American packet entry cds and "8" (décimes) due handstamp, re-rated in manuscript to "16" and finally to the proper single-weight "13" (décimes) for British packet, French transit and "Altkirch 3 Dec. 56" arrival backstamps; minor letter sheet defects, Very Fine, a handsome cover, ex-Mayer and illustrated in Frajola and Mayer The United States Five Cent Issue of 1856 on page 82; with 1998 Holcombe and 1999 Van Der Linden certificates.
Scott No. 12    Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.

Realized: $2,700

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