(Depreciated Currency) Zurich, Switzerland to Milwaukee, Wisc. 1863 cover with "Zurich, 11 Juni 63" cds and endorsed "Via Prussian Closed Mail" at top, "Aachen, Cts. 13/6" transit cds, "35" cents due (PCM rate changed to 3¢ 5/63) & "48 in U.S. Notes" handstamp, reverse with oval "Sachweiz Uber Baden" railroad handstamp, partial Coeln railroad transit & boxed "F.B. 12 JUN Curs" date stamp, "Boston. Fr. Pkt Jun 26" exchange cds, Very Fine, cover sent per Cunard Line steamer Canada, departing Liverpool 13-Jun-1863 and arriving Boston 26-Jun-1863, observed ratio of 1.37. a fairly early depreciated currency cover. Estimate $200 - 250.
Realized: $200