(Depreciated Currency) London, England to New York, N.Y. 1864 folded letter with "London, Jy 2 64" date stamp and manuscript "38" cents debit to the U.S. (19¢ x 2), "U.S. Notes, 120" handstamp and "48" cents due per half ounce for up to an ounce, "Pr Australasian" ship endorsement, Very Fine. Estimate $500 - 750.
Carried by Cunard Line steamer "Australasian" departing Liverpool 2-Jul. arriving New York 13-Jul. According to Hargest the height of inflation occurred on July 11, following Gen. Jubal Early's attack on Washington on July 9. No steamer arrived in either Boston or N.Y. until July 12 (Etna) and the Australasian in New York on July 13, observed depreciated currency ratio of 2.5 and one of the highest possible.
Realized: $1,450