(Prussian Closed Mail) 1858-59 Outbound to German States. 4 covers; (1) New York to Wurttemberg 1854 with partial "New York, 23 Aug 9" cds and red "Aachen 22 8 5-6" cds on reverse (2) Cincinnati to Leipzig 1854. Red "Cincinnati O. Aug 26" cds and matching "Paid" and "30" handstamps, red "7" cents credit to Prussia, "Boston Br. Pkt. Aug 30" exchange & red "Aachen 12 9" transit cds's on reverse (3) Troy, New York to Berlin 1854. with "30" cents (unpaid) rate handstamp and blue manuscript "13" silbergroschen due (4) Cincinnati to Wurttemberg 1859, manuscript "60" cents (double unpaid rate) & manuscript 1g30kr due (45 kreuzer x 2) in Wurttemberg, F.-V.F. overall. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $300