Hong Kong, 1863 Shanghai to Lyon, France. Part entire unpaid from "Buissonnet & Co. Shanghae" (Chine) in blue, docketed Shanghae 25 Oct, with blue "GB 1F22 4/10c" Anglo-French accountancy mark applied at Hong Kong (Proud A12, value 3,000 points). This was rate per 30 grams that France was to reimburse GB for mail carried by British packets to France from places in Orient not in British possession, on back: "Hong Kong Oc 29 63" in same bright blue ink (used Sep 63 - May 65 per Pearson) as accountancy mark, and "Lyon 12 Dec 63" arrival cds, on front, red "Poss. Ang. V. Suez A. Marseille D 12 Dec 63" (Salles type 1.874, sorting brigade "D" very seldom seen on Hong Kong covers). Hand-stamped 18 decimes due (very scarce. normal 9), indicating cover was double weight, Very Fine. Estimate $400 - 600.
P&O "Columbian" went only as far as Singapore on her outward voyage, where she underwent boiler repair, so "Emeu" carried this mail from Hong Kong, 1 Nov, to Singapore, 6 Nov, where mail was transshipped to "Columbian", which carried it rest of way to Galle. Only 2 or 3 covers identified as having been carried on this unusual routing. .
Realized: $600