Hong Kong, 1861 Hong Kong to Stoneham, Mass. 1 of only 3 US Civil War patriotic covers recorded used from China, postmarked "Hong Kong No 14 61" origin cds on reverse, and on front: red 1/11 (46c) for up to ¼ ounce letter sent via Marseille, "London Paid De 30 61" transit cds, "N. York Am Pkt Jan 24" arrival cds with 5 at top (5c US inland postage due from addressee). Although an attempt was made at some time to erase the docketed "via Marseille", the cds dates and rate show that it went by that route, Very Fine, one of only three U.S. Civil War patriotic covers recorded used from China. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $3,500