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Sale 27: The Autumn Sale

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British Commonwealth - Hong Kong: Pre-Adhesive Covers

Lot 575    

Hong Kong, 1860 Manila to Boston. (8 Jan docketing) cover with red "Russell & Sturgis Manila" logo, recorded by Webb and Rowe as a forwarding agent mark, on back: "Hong Kong Ja 14 60, London Fe 28 60" transit cds, and "Boston Am Pkt Mar 15" arrival cds, Blake & Davis type 835, earlier than recorded (11 Apr 60 - 18 May 64). GB debit of "48" cents (crossed out) for ¾ to 1 ounce letter via Marseille, with manuscript "90" cents due from addressee applied by Boston Exchange Office, Very Fine.
Estimate    $1,000 - 1,500.

Carried by P&O Rajah from Manila, 9 Jan, to Hong Kong, 14 Jan 60, then by regular P&O service to Marseille. P&O Manila - HK line operated Jan 58 - Apr 60; 1 of only 12 covers recorded carried by that line.

Realized: $1,150

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