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Sale 27: The Autumn Sale

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British Commonwealth - Hong Kong: Pre-Adhesive Covers

Lot 568    

Hong Kong, 1856 Canton to New York. Folded entire with manuscript "Via Marseilles", "New.York Am. Packet Mar 21" cds, with "32" cents G.B. debit to the U.S., and hand-stamped 53 cents due mark not recorded by Winter, "Hong Kong 14 Ja 1856" transit cds, and red "U B 3 MR 3 1856" GB transit cds on reverse, rate for ¼ - ½ ounce letter via Marseilles was 53c Oct 1854 - Dec 1856. Per P&O steamer Madras: departing "Hong Kong 15 Jan", arriving Galle 30 Jan. (her first voyage on this route). Per Bengal: Galle 1 Feb - Suez 17 Feb; Ava: Alexandria 22 Feb - Malta 25 Feb; and Alhambra: Malta 26 Feb - Marseilles 29 Feb. (leap year), Very Fine, per Collins Line steamer Quaker City: Liverpool 5 Mar - New York, 21 Mar. Quaker City chartered for one round trip after loss of Pacific - Only cover seen from China.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Realized: $675

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