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Sale 27: The Autumn Sale

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British Commonwealth - Hong Kong: Pre-Adhesive Covers

Lot 564    

Hong Kong, 1854 Shanghai to Boston, Mass. Folded letter docketed "Shanghae, 2 Dec 1854" with manuscript "Via Marseilles"& manuscript Great Britain 86 cents debit to US, and Boston hand-stamped "96" cents (earlier than Blake and Davis 718: 6.21.55-6.4.57) due from addressee, partial Hong Kong cds, Great Britain red "27JA27 1855 "cds & "Boston Br. Pkt. Feb 15" receiving cds on reverse, Great Britain debited the United States for 86 cents as follows: 2/3 or 54 cents for ½ - ? ounce letter from Hong Kong (24 cents British share + 30 cents French), plus 16 cents per half ounce sea (2 x 16 = 32c) from GB to US, total due was figured on arrival in US as between a half ounce and one ounce at 5 cents per half ounce for a total of 10 cents, which was added to British 86c debit. Carried by P & O Cadiz: Hong Kong 12 Dec 1854 - Galle 26 Dec 1854, Bombay: Galle 28 Dec - Suez 16 Jan 1855; Valetta: Alexandria 19 Jan - Marseilles 25 Jan 1855, F.-V.F., per Cunard Line "Asia": Liverpool 3 Feb - Boston 15 Feb 1855. This mail was delayed when the P&O Bombay had to wait at Aden 5-10 Jan. for steamer with mail from Bombay, seldom seen high rate.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $750

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