(San Francisco, Statehood) 1854, San Francisco, Ca. folded letter to Germany. Postmarked black "San Francisco Cal. 16 Nov" cds with straight line "Paid" & pencil "60" cents rate, markings include red hand-stamped "Franco", red "N. York 7 Br. Pkt. Paid Dec 13" transit cds in the lower right corner, with a red "N. York 14 Br. Pkt. Paid Dec 13" corrected cds superimposed, backstamp red "Aachen 26 12" transit cds, some minor cover discoloration, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
The 60 cents paid the correct rate of 30 cents per half ounce letter rate for up to an ounce, per Prussian Closed Mail. New York originally credited Prussia with 7 cents (2 cents Belgian transit + 5 cents Prussian Inland) for a single rate, which was corrected to 14 cents (twice the above). Mail from California to Germany during this period is fairly scarce. Departed San Francisco per Pacific Mail Steamship Line steamer "Golden Age" 16-Nov, arriving Panama City 28-Nov. Probably per the U.S. Mail Steamship Line steamer "North Star", departing Aspinwall 30-Nov, arriving New York 9-Dec. Per Cunard Line steamer "Africa", departing New York 13-Dec-1854, arriving Liverpool 24-Dec-1854.
Realized: $180