(San Francisco, Statehood) 1852, San Francisco, Ca. folded letter to France. Postmarked blue "San Francisco Cal 16 Nov" cds with matching straight line "Paid" and "26" cents rate handstamp, manuscript "pr Golden Gate. via Southampton" routing in the upper left corner, markings include red "New-York Br. Pkt. Dec 15" cds, black double line "Etats Unis Paq Birt B.A. Calais 28 Dec 52" French entry handstamp & black hand-stamped "26" decimes due (13 decimes per 7 ½ grams x 2), backstamped red British receiving/transit, black double line "Paris 28 Dec. 52" transit, and black "La Rochelle 29 Dec 52" receiving cds, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Departed San Francisco per Pacific Mail Steamship Line steamer "Golden Gate" 16-Nov, arriving Panama City 28-Nov. Probably per the U.S. Mail Steamship Line steamer "Illinois", departing Aspinwall (Colon) 2-Dec, arriving New York 12-Dec. Per the Cunard Line steamer "Europa", departing New York 15-Dec, arriving Liverpool 26-Dec.
Realized: $375