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Sale 24: The Washington 2006 Sale

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U.S. Stamps: 1913-1915 Panama-Pacific Issue

Lot 252    

1915, 10¢ Panama-Pacific, perf 10. Top margin plate block of 6, full o.g., never hinged, well balanced margins and marvelously centered throughout, exceptionally deep and bold color, outstanding freshness, an Extremely Fine gem, a spectacular never hinged 1915 10¢ Panama-Pacific, perf 10 top margin plate block; with 2006 P.S.E. certificate and 1970 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. 404    $20,000.

Although a couple of 10¢ Panama-Pacific plate blocks have come on the market within the last year, none hold a candle to this magnificent gem, which is without a doubt the finest in existence.

Realized: $62,500

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