Belgium collection, 1849-1999. Comprehensive collection housed in three Scott albums, virtually complete missing mostly a few better single issues and souvenir sheets, mostly complete first design and later including well centered #39 with roller cancels, mostly mint after 1905 with good King Albert issues, 1915-20 complete mint and complete sets thereon, 1930 Antwerp sheet, appears complete mint from 1935 with additional material including booklet, semi-postals with complete St. Martin issues, 1914-15 issues complete mint, good completion in later missing some of the key issues with good later souvenir sheets, complete airmails, air semi-postal, special delivery, dues & officials near complete with better, complete newspapers, parcels with occasional better mint, 1968 set mint n.h., nice range of occupation issues, etc.; condition mixed mostly confined to early material. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,600