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Sale 20: The Westpex Sale

Table of Contents

Foreign Country Collections

Lot 4264 o/   

Japan 1902-64, specialized "Sea Post" collection. Collection in one album including Sea Post cancels on stamps & covers including 5 hand painted Karl Lewis covers, paquebot cancels, ferry boat cancels, etc., included are 26 stamps with various Sea Post cancels & 63 Pre-WWII covers & 17 Postwar covers, 8 covers 1930-31 Ferry Boat cancels, plus 30 additional covers with various maritime markings including Ship Box, Paquebot, etc., numerous cover with United States frankings tied by Sea Post cancels, many all neatly identified & written up, a great lot for the specialist, worth careful inspection.
Estimate    $1,000 - 1,500.

Realized: $3,500

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