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Sale 20: The Westpex Sale

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Foreign Country Collections

Lot 4258 /o   

Japan 1876-92, specialized collection of Koban issues. A lovely mint & used specialized collection in one album, showing mint & used singles, perf. & paper varieties, Mihon (specimen) overprints, imprints, guide marks, perfins, cancels including botas, green rosettes of Tokyo, straight line "Ship", double circle cancels, Syllabic numeral cancels, postage due cancels, foreign mail cancels, postal savings forms, blocks, etc., plus 74 covers or cards showing a wide variety of usages & cancels, many franked with single 2s, however we note one cover with single 3s, one with single 8s, one with single 1s, two "Japan Gazette" wrappers (one with 5r & one with 1s), two covers with block of 4 2s (one violet & one red), cover with 5r strip of 4, cover with 2s strip of 4, cover to United States with 1s + two 2s + 5s, cover with 1s pair, 5s on cover from Shanghai used to United States, 2s postal card to United States with red Tokio cds, cover to United States with 10s pair, two postcards with single 4s (one to United States & one to England), four covers to United States with single 5s, cover to United States with single 15s, 3s postal card to Switzerland, two 2s postal entires to United States with combination frankings with Field Marshall Akihito or with Chrysanthemum issue, 2s on printed matter to Sweden, registered wrapper to the United States with 3s + 4s pair paying the 1s printed matter rate + 10s registry (rare), etc, all neatly identified & written up, a great lot for the specialist, worth careful inspection.
Scott No. 55-84    Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.

Realized: $20,000

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