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Sale 20: The Westpex Sale

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Foreign Country Collections

Lot 3943 o   

[Australian States] Victoria specialized Half-Length plate reconstruction collection, 1850. Well over 250 stamps mostly mounted on special plate reconstruction pages in binder; nice range of completion including various 1d Ham printings including strip of four and pair, Campbell printing including good completion in Stone A with a nice variety of shades, later stones with pairs, 2d Ham printing with good completion in 3rd printings (all with butterfly cancels), 6th printing missing only 3 positions with a considerable number of shades, good 3d issues including Ham 3rd print Orb & White Veils, retouch, altered die, later Campbell/Ferguson's, perf 12's, official & unofficial roulettes and an additional section of 3d issues; condition and quality of material far above the norm with many scarce items throughout, a wonderful early plate reconstruction collection that would be incredibly difficult to duplicate, inspection a must to appreciate.
Estimate    $2,500 - 3,500.

Realized: $4,750

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