Blood & Co. cover lot. 13 stampless covers & 24 covers with Blood's adhesives, plus two Blood's entires, additionally one cover with blue corner card franked with 1851 3¢ with Blood's handstamp, stampless with various Blood's markings, stamped covers include two covers with 15L12, four with 15L13 (one with 1851 3¢), seven franked with 15L14 (four with 1851 or 1857 3¢ & one with 1861 3¢), four with 15L15 (one with 1851 3¢ & one on 1853 3¢ entire), five with 15L16 (two with 1851 3¢), one with 15L17, plus two Blood's entires 15LU9 (one on cover with printed address to Philadelphia Local Express and one hand carried with enclosure datelined Richmond which states, "Blood's Despatch does not reach me. I receive all my letters from the city by mail.", some faults, however condition is well above average with some interesting usages, worth inspection. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,700