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Sale 19: The Autumn Sale

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Foreign Country Collections (Netherlands-Portuguese Colonies)

Lot 3224 /o   

Portugal & Colonies collection. Mint & used in 2 Lighthouse hingeless and Scott International albums, Portugal from 1910 with a good showing of issues, including 1927 Independence set mint, 1953-56 Seal set, mostly mint from 1960's on, fair to strong showing of colonies including Lourenco Marques 1915 semi-postal set mint, better early Macao issues mint & used, 1888 issue to the 200r, good 1911 issues, etc., early Madeira, Mozambique with 1887 issues and better postal tax mint sets, Mozanbique Company with many Arms sets complete, 1918-31 set complete, Nyassa sets, useful India, etc.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Realized: $1,000

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