Collection, 1847-1966. Mint & used collection in two White Ace albums, with parallel mint & used from the of the century on, includes four margin #1, few nice 1851-57 issues, 1861 with values up to 30¢, few grills including 12¢ F. grill, 1869's 2¢-10¢ and a #133 mint, Banknotes with later mint, small banknotes with mint to the 6¢, Columbians with mint up to the 30¢, Small Bureaus with various mint issues including mint $1 values as well as used, Trans-Miss cplt to the 50¢ mint & used, Pan-Am's cplt mint, 1902 definitives mint to the 13¢ and used to the $1, Louisiana & Jamestown cplt mint & used, strong Wash-Frank issues including 1908 issue cplt to the 15¢, imperfs cplt & coils, bluish paper 1¢ mint & 2¢ mint & used, 1910 issues cplt mint & used, coils including pairs, Pan-Pac mint & used including jumbo #400 mint, strong completion in 1912 issues mint & used, 1914 issues cplt mint & used including #435a-439 mint, good coils, 1917 regular issues virtually cplt mint with color varieties, #505 error in block of 6 mint, virtually cplt offsets and strong coil wastes including imperf pairs and #545-546 mint, virtually complete 4th bureaus, White Plains souvenir sheet, Kans-Nebr cplt mint, Parks & Prexies, $5 Hamilton, etc., back-of-the-book with airmails, parcel posts with much mint, mixed condition mostly in early material, well worth inspection. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $6,000