Confederacy, - Stamp Collection Balance, 1861-64, mint and used issues arranged on pages; includes #1 mint and used x3 (two with full margins), #2 wit Patterson mint & used, Hoyer mint and used x5, Stone Y x2 used, #3 mint and used, #4 mint and used with additional unused pair, #5 used x2, #6-7's with multiples including brass rule lines, mint white tie, #8 mint and used, #9 used, #11-12 includes plate no. imprint strips (4 different), #11e, various shades, etc., #13 used on piece and mint including margin single and block of 4, #14 x3, etc.; condition varies with overall attractive appearance throughout, Scott catalog in excess of $10,000.Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
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Realized: $3,750