Confederacy, - Stampless Cover Balance, of approximately 75 covers mostly written-up on pages with interest research regarding postal markings, sender's & recipients, with many soldier's endorsed covers; with some better postmarks strikes including a Kingston, Ga. with and unusual unlisted "Due 5" with "U" and "5" sharing space vertically between "D" and "E", blue "Pattonsburg, Va." cds with "Paid" and "5" handstamps, choice 1861 Gordonsville, Va. cds, Okolona, Miss. cds with unusual boxed "Due 10" handstamp and additional "10" struck of cds upon arrival, Thomaston, Ga. cds, nice 1861 Port Lavaca cds, early 1861 Pine Bluff, Ark. cds, etc., nice range of ratemarkers, also a small group of 7 mostly more common currency notes; condition mixed, worth a look.Estimate $750 - 1,000.
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Realized: $2,600