Confederacy, Camp Hoffman, Point Lookout, Md., cover from Confederate Prisoner, Pvt, William P. Berry, Co. K 30th Va. Inf. to Baltimore, Md., franked with U.S. 1861, 3¢ rose (65) tied on small cover by target with "Point Lookout, Md. Aug. 24" double circle postmark alongside, manuscript Censor's endorsement, "Major A.G. Brady U.S.A. Point Lookout" (Allen G. Brady) at top, included is original letter datelined "Prisoners Camp Co A 7th Div. Point Lookout. Aug 26/64", letter completely transcribed, parts include "It would not be allowed to receive them (according to orders lately issued)…. I have hope of not being sent to another prison…", Very Fine.Estimate $150 - 200.
Wm. Berry enlisted on 5/20/61 as private, promoted to Cpl. on 10/18/61, wounded 9/16/62 (left arm, captured same date), exchanged, captured again (7/21/63), promoted to Sgt. (7/15/63) paroled on 5/1/65.
Realized: $170