Confederacy, General Hospital #21, Richmond, Va., cover with original letter datelined "C.S. Gen. Hospital #21, Richmond, Va. Jan 17th", franked with 1861, 3¢ rose (65) tied by bold segmented cork cancel & "Old Point Comfort, Va. Feb 9" double circle postmark, addressed to East Caftsbury, Vt., then forwarded to Hinsdale, N.H. with "East Craftsbury Vt. Feb. 23 1861" forwarding postmark, faint manuscript "Forwarded Due 3 cts", cover roughly opened at right, letter stating "I have as good times as a captive could expect, but a Prison is a prison though Paved with Gold.", signed by "(Sgt.) Wm. B. Stevens (Co. E 4th Vt. Inf.) Prisoner of War, C.S.A.", Fine and rare.Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $325