Confederacy, Flag of Truce, South to North, manuscript boxed "Via Norfolk and Flag of Truce" notation at bottom of linen cover to Mechanic Falls, Me., pencil docketing "Jan 22, 1862", franked with CSA 1861 5¢ green, pair (1) mostly torn off at the exchange point (as per P.O. instructions), tied by most probably Macon, Ga. cds then franked with USA 1861, 3¢ rose (65) applied over remnants and tied with "Old Point Comfort, Va. Feb 19" double circle postmark, additional manuscript "X" (by censor), Very Fine.Estimate $300 - 400.
Pvt. Charles Harris from Maine was living in Macon, Ga when war broke out. He was captured at Mine Run, Virginia and sent to Old Capitol Prison in Washington, D.C. Rather than being exchanged he took "Oath of Allegiance" and went home to his father in Maine.
Realized: $850