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Sale 123: The Civil War Sale

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United States Patriotic Covers - Portrait Designs (Wadsworth to Wool)

Lot 2793 ()   

Washington & Eagle with "Union", red and blue patriotic design on cover front to Matigny, Switzerland, manuscript "Per Prussian Closed Mail" endorsement at top, "Mishicott, Wis., Jan 29" origin cds and blue "Chicago Ill. Am. Pkt., 22" exchange cds and large blue "45" kreuzer due handstamp (equivalent to 30¢), red crayon "180" Swiss centimes due and reverse with portion on backflaps showing red Aachen transit cds; front with repair tears affecting postmarks, F.-V.F. appearance. Bischel No. 187.
Estimate    $400 - 600.

Realized: $525

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