Confederacy, (Naval) C.S. Steamer Stono, orange buff cover bearing 1862 5¢ blue (7) pair, large margins, tied by "Richmond Va., Mar. 30 1863" cds addressed to "Asst. Surgeon C. H. Morfit, C.S. Steamer Stono, C.S. Navy, Charleston S.C.", docketed "Recd Apl 1st 1863, E. Am" on reverse, Very Fine and rare Confederate naval cover.Estimate $400 - 600.
The Steamer "Stono", formerly the USS "Isaac Smith" was part of the South Atlantic Blockading Squadron in the Fall of 1862. She was then assigned to operate in the Stono River, South Carolina. While making a reconnaissance in that river on 30 January 1863, she was caught by enemy shore batteries lead by Pierre G.T. Beauregard and badly battered. With eight of her crew killed and many more wounded, USS "Isaac Smith" was forced to surrender.
Taken into Confederate Navy service under the name "Stono", she was wrecked near Fort Moultrie, S.C., while attempting to run the blockade of Charleston on 5 June 1863. The ship was loaded with cotton in an attempt to run the Union blockade on the night of June 5, 1863. The attempt proved disastrous, as the ship was discovered by Federal forces, and wrecked on a breakwater near Ft. Moultrie, trying to return to the harbor.
Realized: $500