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Sale 122: The Dr. James Milgram Collection Steamboat Mail

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Transatlantic Ships - Manchester to Saale (Milgram #844C-1235B)

Lot 1097    

Ship Milo, S.G. Bronson, Sail*d mar. 27 (Atlantic Ocean), exceptionally bold and complete blue fancy double circle handstamp on choice 1818 folded letter from Liverpool to Boston, faint but attractive arc "Ship 6" in ribbon, Extremely Fine.
Milgram No. 891    Estimate $500 - 750.


The "Milo" (398 tons) was built at Newburyport, Massachusetts in 1811 for David Hinckley of Boston. This was a very fast vessel, capable of a transatlantic crossing in less than 20 days. Under Captain Stephen Glover it was the first ship to sail from America and reach England (on June 3, 1815) after the close of the War of 1812. Captain Samuel G. Bronson assumed the role of master a few years later. Some collectors consider this the finest handstamped American transatlantic ship marking. Blake and Davis described it as "the only ocean 'packetmark' of a Boston regular trader."

Realized: $350

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