Lot 1260
Hawaii, Hawaiian Gazette Company, Honolulu, H.I., corner card on cover to San Francisco, Cal., franked with 1899, 1¢ dark green + 2¢ rose, horizontal pair (80+81) tied by "Honolulu, H.I., Apr 26" duplex postmarks, pencil 2/ at upper left signifying double-rate with purple Honolulu "T / 25 Centimes." due rating handstamp, San Francisco arrival backstamp and "U.S. Charge To Collect / 10 Cents" due rating handstamp for double the deficiency, U.S. 10¢ postage due tied by indistinct cancel, disinfection punch holes at each corner, otherwise Very Fine.Estimate $200 - 300.
The bubonic plague had spread from Hong Kong to Hawaii in the latter part of 1899 and quickly broke out in Chinatown in Honolulu. Because of the outbreak, fumigation was required on all mail from December of 1899 until April 30, 1900.
Realized: $400