Confederacy, Johnson's Island Prison, Sandusky, Ohio, "Prisoner's Letter, Examined, G.S.B. Johnson's Island censor's oval handastamp on cover to Prisoner's cousin in Philadelphia, franked with 1861 3¢ Rose (65) cancelled by target cancel (not tied) with matching "Sandusky, O. Mar. 28, '65" double circle postmark, letter from Lt. W. Winston Fontain, 46th Btn., Va. Cavalary, datelined "U.S. Miltary Prison" requesting clothing, additional letter from same prisoner to Lt. Col. E. Scovill, Supt. of Prison requesting clothing and approved up the chain of command, cover with unobtrusive ink stain, Very Fine.Scott No. 65 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $260