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Sale 116: The Civil War Sale

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Prisoner of War Covers - Southern Prisons - Texas & Virginia

Lot 4545    

Confederacy, Camp Ford, Tyler Texas, two covers, both addressed to "Young Whitlock, Prisoner of War, Camp Ford, Tyler Texas", 1st cover: franked with 1861 3¢ Rose (65) barely tied by target (no cds), manuscript "Examined & Approved" by Confederate censor, 2nd cover: franked with 1861 3¢ Rose (65) cancelled by fancy segmented cork cancel (not tied and hinged in place for appearance, appears to be original), postmark "Marshall, Ill. Nov. 8" (1864) cds, manuscript endorsement "Care of Col. C.C. Dwight, Commissioner of Exchange, New Orleans, La." at bottom left, F.-V.F., only three covers known to a Texas prison.
Scott No. 65    Estimate $750 - 1,000.

Realized: $650

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