Confederacy, Workhouse Prison, Charleston, S.C., adversity cover made from Bank Check sheet and addressed to South Troupsburg, Ohio, manuscript "Prisoner Letter" at top right, postmarked "Port Royal, S.C. Sep. 1, 1864" double circle with straight line "Due 3" rate handstamp, cover mis-sent and forwarded from Newark Ohio by straightline "Missent" handstamp and "Newark, Ohio Sep. 7" (1864) double circle postmark, small cover mend at bottom, Very Fine and attractive.Estimate $200 - 300.
According to Harrison, this cover was sent by Lt. Horace B. Seely, 86th N.Y. Inf., a POW at Workhouse Prison in Charleston to his brother in law in South Troupsburg, N.Y.
Realized: $3,750