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Sale 116: The Civil War Sale

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Prisoner of War Covers - Southern Prisons - South Carolina

Lot 4540    

Confederacy, Roper Hospital, Charleston, S.C., Adversity prisoner of war cover made from an insurance form, addressed to Col. Hoyt, 152nd Pa Vol, Charleston Harbor, vertical manuscript endorsement at left "Prisoner of War" and additional "Per Flag of Truce Boat" and "Ex" (Confederate Censor marking), included is short original enclosure datelined "C.S. Mil. Prison, Roper Hospl. Charleston, S.C. Aug. 19, 64", letter asking "per first opportunity ten (10) dollars in gold", Very Fine, extremely attractive and quite unusual.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

By Flag of Truce across the bay to Morris Island. No postage necessary as never entered U.S. mail.

Realized: $900

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