Confederacy, College Hospital, Columbia, S.C., cover addressed to Capt. C.T. Bowen with his written request to Capt. R.D. Senn, Prison Commander for exchange due to poor health, returned to him with written notation to put in it the form of a request for transfer which he would approve, with original letter rewritten on Nov. 8, 1864 as per instructions of Prison Commander, plus a third letter datelined "College Gen. Hospital Nov. 28th 1864", to Capt. R.D. Senn, Prison Commander written by Capt. Bowen, requesting a transfer for two fellow prisoners, one recovering from yellow fever and other from typhoid, Very Fine, great letters showing the many hardships, quite unusual, Pictured in Harrison's book, "Prisoners Mail From The American Civil War" on page 56.Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $1,150