1863-68, 2¢ black, bisect usages, group of three certified 2¢ bisect usages; includes 2¢ diagonal bisect in pair (73a) tied by manuscript with matching Benvenue, Pa. postmark (A.P.S. cert), 2¢ vertical bisect in pair (73d) tied by Industry, Pa. cds (Weiss cert.) and 2¢ E. grill vertical bisect (87a) with single on cover from New York town (Holcombe cert.), also includes two covers (possible 73b & 93b) and a partial cover (possible 87a) with uncertified usages (offered "as is"); cover and stamp flaws, Fine appearance, scarce group. Scott Nos. 73a, 73d, 87a Estimate $600 - 800.
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Realized: $500