(New York Foreign Mail) Eight-Section Circular Grid, two strikes, one bold and complete ties 1870, 24¢ purple and two 1870, 2¢ red brown singles (one a replacement), on 1871 cover at 28¢ treaty rate to Bark Kathleen at St. Helena, partial red "New York '24' Feb 4" exchange cds, red London Paid (2.13) transit cds and red crayon "1" pence colonial credit rating; reduced at right, Fine, This is the only recorded NYFM cover to St. Helena and one of only four recorded examples of this cancel, ex-Norman Clowes; with 1991 P.F. certificate. Scott Nos. 146 (2), 153. Scott Nos. 146 (2), 153 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $450