Canada & Provinces, Collection, 1859-1966, mixed mint and used housed in Scott album; Canada with mostly used 19th century including 1859 issues with 12½¢ & 17¢ top values, completion in large & small queens lacking laid papers, lower value Jubilees mixed */o, Widowheads complete, KEVII definitives complete and later completion with predominately mint from 1920's, back-of-the-book completion lacking officials with some additional revenues, plate blocks, etc., Provinces with BC&VI #8, little New Brunswick, Newfoundland strong from 1861 on with most sets complete to near complete, useful mint airs, later Nova Scotia including #11 marginal imprint block of 20 and other blocks, some mint P.E.I., etc.; worth proper review. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
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Realized: $1,150