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Sale 108: The Westpex Sale

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Worldwide Collections

Lot 3512 /o   

Worldwide, Collection, mixed mint and used issues housed in 6 special leather bound Scott International Junior Edition album with issues to 1940; includes U.S. with mixed condition classics with better issues, mixed */o Banknotes with some good later, Columbians including used $1 and a few other good items, useful revenues, etc., foreign issues with much of the value in British Commonwealth issues with other useful to good other countries, includes good mint Aden and Ascension, Australia from better Roo's on including a used 5sh Sydney Harbor issue, well filled Austria, some useful to good German States and Portuguese Colonies, good mint Bahamas, */o Barbados, Bechuanaland with good high value, well filled Belgium, useful Latin America, British Guiana with early issues and better British Honduras, Canada with good mixed condition classics, */o dollar value Jubilees, etc., China including small dragon set, Great Britain from #1 on, useful Japan and French Colonies, etc.; lots of material, worth proper review.
Estimate    $2,000 - 3,000.

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Realized: $7,250

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