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Sale 108: The Westpex Sale

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Lot 3443 /o/   

Mexico, Airmail Collection, extensive collection/stock with an array of issues housed in 7 albums/binders; starting with regular airmail issues from #C1 mint and used & #C2 with watermark varieties, later 1920's issues mostly mint with some duplication and variety including gutter pairs and multiples, 1930's issues with a nice showing of Habiltado overprint issues and later surcharges, including some 1932 imperf pairs (missing one for complete set), again with watermark position varieties sometimes noted, #C31a with pairs and blocks, also a "Muestra" overprint single, #C39a and a C39 with black instead of red overprint (essay?), #C45a pairs and block including missing dot under Cents surcharge variety in pair, also a Muestra single, some lower values University issues mint, selection of 1934 "Eagleman" essays, later issues with many gutters, etc., airmail official issues including #C1-C1a in pair, CO11b x2, 1931 surcharge including good #CO16a & CO16b, #CO21 mint, #CO30 mint & used, etc., lesser to some good value issues with multiples, sheets and a substantial stock of mostly mint issues with some slightly heavy duplication at times, couple other useful collections with some good sets, etc.; lots of material, worth careful review.
Estimate    $750 - 1,000.

Realized: $625

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