Canada & Provinces, Collection, housed in Scott album; Canada starting with a few 1859 issues, large and small Queens mostly used, Jubilees mint to the 50¢, 1908 Tercentenary set complete mint, mix of later with some good later sets, some useful to good back-of-the-book, Provinces with a few B.C.& V.I. issues, later New Brunswick including a beautifully center 1863 2¢ block of 12 mint, Newfoundland with some early mostly used issues, 1897 Pictorial issue complete mint, good showing of 1910-20's issues, airmails with mint #C2, C12, n.h. C18, useful Nova Scotia & P.E.I.; worth review. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,300