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Sale 108: The Westpex Sale

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Anitgua to Bulgaria

Lot 3275 /o   

British Commonwealth, Better Accumulation, collector-built accumulation of many hundreds of better British Commonwealth stamps on Hagner pages, gathered by a compulsive but selective buyer. This is an eye-pleasing array of Great Britain and most of the Commonwealth countries, starting with classics of the Victorian period, usually both imperforate and perforated stamps, then some better singles and nice runs of issues through the George VI period followed by some nice sets of the Elizabethan years. All in all, you will see 74 various One Pound and 73 Ten Shilling stamps of the earlier issues here. It starts with Great Britain, showing 6 Penny Blacks followed by a neat, 4-margin used strip of #4, plus an additional used pair and strip of 3 of #4, then a used #5 (CV $900), then several dozen various singles (many wing singles) of QV period, including #13, #53 ($350), #60, #70 ($325), #94-5, and various 4d, 6d, 8d, and 1/- stamps. Also four 10/- stamps, including #74 ($3250), and #109 (3, $550 each). Followed by a few used Sea Horses and one unused set of #222-24 ($630). Then a delightful journey through the Commonwealth starts with a nice range of Australian States and Australia, including a NH booklet pane of 8 of #95, and a #125 gutter block of 8 with the Ash imprint. Nice Barbados, Bahamas, Bechuanaland Protectorate, 21 various Cape of Good Hope triangles plus used #178 with cert., Fiji #131B used block, nice Cayman and Cyprus, Falklands, including #64 used ($425), strong Grenada, Gibraltar, India Gandhi set, K-U-T, Malta, Malaya, Nauru, New Zealand, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Rhodesia including two One Pound Double Heads plus two One Pound George V, plus a used block of the 5d Double Head, St. Helena, strong St. Vincent, and more. Better unused sets including Cayman #69-80, Cyprus #168-82 and 183-97, both NH, Gibraltar #132-45, NH, Singapore #1-20 NH, Solomon #89-105, B.A.T #1-15 NH, PNG #122-36, St. Helena #118-27, St. Vincent #141-52 (2, both NH). Etc. There are also 12 various early complete booklets. It ends with a few Silver Jubilee sets (5 NH, 8 hinged, 4 used), plus some Silver Weddings sets (25 NH, 16 hinged, 16 used.); Enormous catalog value.
Estimate    $3,000 - 4,000.

Realized: $7,500

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