British Asia, Collection, housed in two Scott albums, some countries sparse with good to better singles and sets throughout; includes useful to good Aden, Bahrain 1933 set complete including 3p-12a in pairs, few Bangkok issues worth checking, Burma highlighted by scarce 1937 first issue Official issue complete mint, Ceylon with mixed QV issues and good KGV issues including 1912 specimen set, other specimens including 1935 View issue, nice showing of Hong Kong QV issues mostly used with some good later mint, better Kuwait with 1923 & 1929 KGV regular & official sets complete mint with varieties, Strait Settlements with useful to good QV issues, KEVII issues including 1904 definitives to the $5, 1907 Labuan overprint set complete, KGV definitives including good high values, etc., Federated Malay States with first issues complete and many of the following high values present including $2-$25 specimens, 1901 Tiger issues well represented, dues, Johore with 1904 definitives complete to the $10 and complete 1918 definitives, Kedah with complete issues 1912 to 1926 and 1937 specimens, some Kelantan, Pahang with a few good early issues and Sultan specimen set, similar Perak, etc., some useful to good Labuan, North Borneo 1899 & 1904 surcharges complete, 1909 set with variety, good 1910 45 high value mint, the scarce 1926-28 set complete with good $2 variety, 1922 Expo set with additional, 1931 set, etc., Sarawak with 1888 brooks definitives complete, 1928 specimens, couple good Jap Occ high values worth checking, some Singapore, other useful countries dotted throughout; worth evaluation. Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
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Realized: $6,250