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Sale 108: The Westpex Sale

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Anitgua to Bulgaria

Lot 3267 /o   

British Africa, Collection, predominately mint issues housed in three Scott albums with many better singles and sets throughout; starting with Ascension with complete first issues, 1939 specimen set and some good later, Bastoland with complete first issues and good 1960's surcharges, Bechuanaland including 1932 set, strong completion in Gambia including King definitive sets and good additional varieties, 1922-29 regular and scarce specimen sets, Gold Coast with 1898 QV definitive set and complete KEVII definitive sets with some good later issues, K.U.T. with 1921 KGV definitives to the 5sh and 1922 definitives to the 10sh with additional $5 & $20 specimens, 1935 Views with specimen set, etc., Lagos with 1904 KEVII second definitives complete, Mauritius with later mint QV issues, 1910 KEVII specimen set complete and 1922 KGV definitives complete mint, useful to good Natal issues, Southern Nigeria with 1904 KEVII definitives and 1912 KGV definitives complete, Nigeria near complete to 1946 with KGV definitives including additional shades, dies, specimens and blocks, Northern Nigeria with 1902 & 1910 KEVII definitives complete, 1912 KGV definitives complete, the 1925 KGV set complete with additional scarce specimen set missing only the 2sh6d & 3sh values, B.C.A. with 1891-95 issues to the 10sh, some good later Coat of Arms issues including a 1896 £10 specimen, 1903 £1 KEVII high value, etc., Nyasaland Protectorate with 1908 KEVII 10sh & £1 high values, 1913 KGV definitives to the £1 with additional shades and a £10 specimen, 1921 KGV definitives complete including additional 10sh break in scroll variety, 1934 specimen set, etc., Rhodesia & Nyasaland with a number of Waterlow proof blocks from the 1954 QEII issue, St. Helena with 1922-23 KGV Badge issue complete to the 10sh with additional shades and cleft rock varieties, 1934 Views complete with additional specimen set, Seychelles with 1890 QV first issue specimen set, 1893 3¢ surcharge double variety, 1900 definitives complete and issues from 1902 to 1937 complete with additional shades, Sierra Leone with scarce early specimens, 1895-97 QV definitives complete, 1903 & 1904 KGV sets complete with additional 1903 specimen set, 1912 KGV issue complete to the £1, 1932 KGV set complete with additional specimen set, etc., Somaliland Protectorate with 1904-09 KEVII & 1921 KGV definitives complete, South Africa with 1913 KGV definitives to the 5sh and the £1 value, with some good later issues and back-of-the-book, good S.W.A. & Sudan issues, Tanganyika with 1926 KGV definitives complete, Togo with 1916 KGV definitives complete, Zanzibar with 1895 2r-5r QV high values, 1895 QV overprint issue complete, 1899 Sultan issue complete, 1904 Monogram issue complete, 1908 high value specimens, Zululand with first issues complete, etc.; with nice fresh material throughout, inspection highly recommended.
Estimate    $6,000 - 8,000.

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Realized: $11,000

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