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Sale 108: The Westpex Sale

Table of Contents

The Global Collection (Country Collections)

Lot 3234 /   

Great Britain, Advanced High End Mint Collection, 1858-1966, collection in four volumes, unused singles and sets arranged in SG catalogue order on black Hagner stock sheets, many shades, varieties, different Dies and perforations, Queen Victoria perforated 1p reds, including SG 29, 32, 33, 38-41, later issues with SG 79, 80, 82, 87, plus many others. KEVII De La Rue and Somerset Printings, many better shades, George V Seahorses to 10sh, PUC £1 black, 1934 2sh6p-10sh, other George V and George V definitives, back of the book with Postage Dues, Officials, few booklet panes, last volume with QEII definitives, various printings, Commemoratives, Graphites and Phosphor sets, condition mixed among 19th Century, others fine or better. We note on each page old Stanley Gibbons prices are noted, and today's listings are often quite a bit higher with a number of stamps valued at over 1000 pounds each. The total catalogue value is very high., ex Global Collection.
Estimate    $10,000 - 15,000.

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Realized: $8,000

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