Worldwide, Exceptional Mint High Quality Massive Windsor Holding 1850's-1990's, if you enjoy working with stamps whether you are a dealer or collector, please take the time to view this lot in person or the many dozens of scans available online. It is certainly one of the most interesting, worldwide in scope, lots that we have had the pleasure to offer. It was formed by a clearly passionate collector with very deep pockets who loved mint stamps in superior quality. It is housed in four cartons which are packed with 20 long red boxes with #102 size cards with singles and sets, Album pages, Original intact Auction lots, 2 flat boxes also overflowing, retail purchases on cards and much more. The scans will give you an idea of the outstanding material present and the significant amount of stamps and sets valued from $100. to over $1000. each that are in abundance. Unlike dealer stocks that are often loaded with Hawaii-value off-quality 19th century this collector formed holding contains literally only a handful of stamps with any faults out of many many thousands. The criterion was to buy n.h. or original gum sets and singles in F.-V.F. or better quality. Also, it is readily noticed that many of the better items also include a plethora of varieties.
Sections include very strong British Empire with Barbados, British Guiana, Ceylon, St. Helena, Kuwait, India and States and more. In most countries present you will find 20th century "runs" of mint n.h. with strong Q.E. II sets up to the 1990's plus, of course, better quality earlier key sets and singles. France and French Colonies are well represented with Algeria including a nice collection of Parcel Post issues, Martinique, New Hebrides (French), Tunisia, Reunion, Cilicia, France with specialized booklets and also strong Parcel Post issues.
Included are Portugal and Colonies with worthwhile Azores, Angola, Macao plus others, Excellent Nepal, Section of imperf sets of Laos and Cambodia. Vietnam Democratic Republic has a box of mint sets and virtually all perf and imperf versions of several hundred sets plus another Vietnam group of mixed mint with some used.
We note a box of only Swedish mint complete booklets, Spanish Colonies including better Provisional issues, key sets of Greece on pages, Great Latvia and Estonia, Spanish Morocco, Iraq, Palestine, Shanghai, Germany, Switzerland and too much more to mention.
The collector reused many 102 cards, so on a few cards we indicated current Scott numbers often written next to an old Scott value at a fraction of the current Scott value. The Scott values on the non-reused cards are often 30 to 40 years old and again often very modest compared to 2023 values. A perfect collection for online retail, auction sales or a fun project to assimilate into your collection. A huge Scott value and retail will be relatively easy to unlock as almost all is identified by Scott numbers. Don't miss this one., ex-Windsor.
Estimate $30,000 - 40,000.
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